Ask Clara | Happy Holidays from the MD Coder Team

December 26, 2019

To the entire MD Coder community,

Our team wanted to wish you all an incredible holiday season and New Year. The end of the year is often a time of reflection and here at MD Coder we are incredibly thankful for an exceptional year and for an extraordinary customer base. We’ve processed several million charges this year, several million follow-up requests, several million patients and less than 2,052 support tickets across the entire enterprise. I wanted to say thank you to our entire customer base but also a massive thank you to a relentless team that strives for excellence. I could spend the next few paragraphs talking about all that we’ve accomplished but I’d rather spend this space to give thanks to someone I’ve worked with for the past 15 years, Clara Chandler.

Many of you, if not all of you, have come into touch with Clara over the years. I remember when I first met Clara, we had a small office where our desks were cardboard boxes and she suggested we get tablecloths to cover them. We have come a long way together and I wanted to dedicate this New Year to Clara. I’ll never forget the years where I would ask Clara to “just say no” and she would always just say yes (to our customers).  She is a warrior in all aspects of her life. She would often provide training and support on the weekends, late at night, on holidays, and anytime a client would speak to anyone else but Clara, I would hear about it!! She has an infectious personality that we’ve all come to adore, respect, admire and frankly, love.

This weekend as we go into 2020, we are updating all our products, our web applications and mobile application to reference one of our core value propositions for our company which is about service. Rather than the traditional help menu you see across our application, it will be replaced with “Ask Clara”. She will become the staple of what our support and onboarding team should be. While service has always been a differentiation for our company, I want Clara to be the bar that we always measure ourselves with. Would Clara do this? If the answer is yes, we know what to do.

Along with the entire community, Clara is reading this email for the first time. She is probably in disbelief and right about now; she probably is logging into the website to see her name branded within the company where her legacy will be embedded into the digital age.

On that note, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, a few days left of Hanukkah and an incredible New Year. A toast to 2020 and a toast to the entire MD Coder community. I do not say this lightly, but there is not a single day that goes by where I don’t count my blessings to be so fortunate to work with some of the most incredible people in the world and that is not just our team but our entire community that serves the greater health population. You are all life savers…


Damon N. Spiegel
CEO & Founder